The Community Center of the College
Shaping the College Union Movement
UW-Madison alumnus Porter Butts envisioned the concept of a college union as "the community center of the college" and devoted his time to creating a space at the University that embodied this idea. When the Memorial Union opened in 1928, Butts was named its first director. He served in this role for 41 years while also teaching at the University. In 1929, Butts outlined the four objectives of the Wisconsin Union:
- The Union exists to make the large University a more human place. In the words of president former University President Glenn Frank, "The Union is a living room, which converts a University from a house of learning to a home of learning."
- To provide the physical facilities where personal relations among students and teachers may naturally find expression, a comprehensive and well-considered program for the social life of the University.
- The Union stands as the University's recognition of the importance of the leisure hour.
- The Union is a genuine student cooperative enterprise, aiming to give students experience in governing and managing their own affairs.
Throughout his career, Porter Butts was a pioneer in the college union movement, serving as the president of the Association of College Unions (ACU) in 1932 and consultant for 115 college union buildings throughout the world. Butts was awarded the Distinguished Alumni Award in 1991, the same year he passed away. Butts was posthumously granted the Wisconsin Visual Arts Lifetime Achievement Award.
Porter Butts and Jamie Maux
1960 – Then Wisconsin Union Director Porter Butts and Puerto Rico Union Director Jamie Maux talk at Memorial Union.
Image courtesy of the UW-Madison Archives, #2017s01352.
Pancake Flip Champion
ca. 1950 – Porter Butts, Union Director, flips a pancake at an open house in the Paul Bunyan Room.
Image courtesy of the UW-Madison Archives, #dn03082533.
Wisconsin Union's 25th Anniversary
1953 – Porter Butts, Governor Kohler, and Ted Crabb (as a student) blow out the candles on the Union's 25th anniversary cake. Mr. Fred watches in the background.
Image courtesy of the UW-Madison Archives, WU0325 non-digitized.
Porter Butts
Porter Butts, the University's first Union director and founder of the Union Galleries.
Image courtesy of the UW-Madison Archive.
A copy of Porter Butts' signature.
Porter Butts, director from 1926-1968
ca. 1940 — Porter Butts, the Wisconsin Union's first director.
Image courtesy of the UW-Madison Archives, #dn03082205.